Fletcher Street

Martha Camarillo


Publisher/Powerhouse Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*295*20
"Fletcher Street" is a collection of works by American female photographer Martha Camarillo. Martha is a self-taught photographer based in New York, and while doing editorial work for The New York Times, she also learns about Philadelphia's unique culture through her friend Peggy, a music promoter, and protecting the city's safety. I encountered a black horseback riding community and spent nearly three years photographing there. Although the number of stables that were once owned by Jews has decreased considerably, there are still around five stables in existence today, with around 30 horses. They are raised by young black men wearing Stussys, Timberlands, and oversized sports jerseys. This is a unique documentary that depicts the daily lives of young people who form bonds and community through horses and learn about love amidst such temptations and hardships in an area suffering from poverty and where drug trafficking is rampant.
<Related Artists> Ryan Mcginley
<Condition> Good.