詩集 石膏の菫 / Poeme Graphique

鳥居 良禅 / Ryozen Torii

¥66,000(¥60,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/250   Size/155*183*10
Poeme Graphique is a collection of works by Japanese poet and photographer Ryozen Torii. Ryozen Torii was a member of the ``VOU'' club, a comprehensive art movement led by Katsue Kitazono (1902-1978), a leading avant-garde poet, who also published a newsletter. Like Kitazono, his activities are not limited to poetry, but also extend to artistic expression through photography, and his name is included in the photography credits for dancer Tatsumi Hijikata's masterpiece, ``Hipotan.'' This is a book from the ``Pipau Series,'' a poetry collection series published in the 1950s after the war, and is a unique collection of poems and photo graphics. Since the number of copies published is small at 250, it probably would not have been known to many people unless it was introduced in various magazines by Ryuichi Kaneko (1948-2021), a leading photo historian of postwar Japan. A valuable collection of photo poems. This is a masterpiece of avant-garde, figurative, and poetic images and text that echo Kitazono et al.'s flow. (included in The Japanese Photobook 1912–1990)
<Related Artists> 北園 克衛 / Katue Kitasono
<Condition> Good.