
Massimo Leardini


Publisher/Editions du LIC

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*308*20
``Scandinavian'' is a collection of works by Italian photographer Massimo Realdini. A photographer based in Norway for over 30 years, he continues to depict the pure beauty of nature and the body. Rather than photographing special poses, the photographs take place in natural environments, depicting the natural female figure, sometimes facial expressions, sometimes skin reflected in the light, beautiful nudes, and an exquisite match between the body and the background landscape, creating a pale monochrome view of the world. , leading to a light and natural beauty typical of Scandinavian taste. This is a collection of works published by a Norwegian publisher, and is the first book released by Realdini, who had previously self-published with official support. This is a collection of works filled with the charms mentioned above. We also recommend Elv, published in 2020 by Stanley Baker. Limited to 460 copies. Includes edition number.
<Related Artists> 立木 義浩 / Yoshihiro Tatsuki
<Condition> Good.