Ashes and Snow(Book & DVD)

Gregory Colbert


Publisher/Flying Elephant Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/180*255*30
Ashes and Snow (Book & DVD) is a collection of works by Canadian photographer Gregory Kleber. This masterpiece was extremely popular in the 2000s, and an exhibition held in a space of over 10,000 square meters in a former shipyard in Italy received a great response, and was later held in New York and then Tokyo on a different scale. The photographs featuring indigenous peoples from around the world and wild animals such as elephants and eagles have given us an opportunity to reconsider the importance of the natural environment and the coexistence of humans and animals. Colbert, who originally produced documentary films, eventually sublimated his works to poetic and artistic creations while incorporating journalism into them, and at the same time achieved beautiful depictions that moved our hearts. In addition to the collection of works published at the time of his solo exhibition in Japan, this book also comes with a separate DVD (DVD operation has not been confirmed). This is a wonderful collection of leather-covered pieces with beaded designs.
<Related Artists> Sebastiao Salgado
<Condition> Good.