Flowers and Fruits(First Edition, With Poster)

林 志鵬 / Zhipeng Lin


Publisher/T&M Projects

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/176   Size/150*210*13
``Flowers and Fruits (First Edition, With Poster)'' is a collection of works by Chinese photographer Lin Qipeng (No. 223). Originally working as a magazine editor, in the 2000s he published the photos he had taken in his daily life on his blog, which received a lot of response and became one of the best bloggers. Len is a now-defunct legendary photographer. Han was one of those followers. Ren has a conceptual style with more planned settings, while Chi Peng has a more everyday style that mixes documentary and concept. However, their styles are similar, and it is said that the two artists were actually close friends, but this one uses the motifs of ``flowers'' and ``fruits,'' which Chi-Pen has used for many years, and incorporates ``nude.'' This is a collection of works composed of interwoven illustrations, published by Japanese publisher T&M Project. Although it was reprinted in 2020, this is the first edition published in 2019. Poster included.
<Related Artists> 任 航 / Ren Hang
<Condition> Very good.