後朝 / Kinuginu

生原 良幸 / Yoshiyuki Ikuhara

¥7,700(¥7,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/131   Size/300*300*20
Kinuginu is a collection of works by Japanese photographer Yoshiyuki Ikuhara. Born in Tokushima Prefecture in 1947, after graduating from Nippon Photography College, he has been working as a freelancer since the 1970s. In parallel with commercial work, he creates portraits and photographs of children as his life's work. In the 2000s, he published portraits of 100-year-old people who lived through the Meiji to Heisei eras, and later created works with the motif of newly born babies as the treasures of the Reiwa era. It conveys the individuality of people and the preciousness of life. This is Ikuhara's first book, published in the 1980s, and is a collection of works that depict traditional Japanese beauty as well as unique images inspired by the Tale of Genji. A number of works full of the beauty of kimonos and the Japanese women who wear them.
<Related Artists> 大石 芳野 / Yoshino Oishi
<Condition> Good.