私の秘密の庭 西沢立衛のガーデン&ハウス / My Secret Flowers Garden & House by Ryue Nishizawa
鈴木 理策ほか / Risaku Suzuki & Others
Format/ソフトカバー Pages/- Size/250*350*10
The following is from the publisher's introduction. ``My Secret Flower'' is a one-day exhibition planned to coincide with the completion of the residential building ``Garden & House'' designed by architect Ryue Nishizawa.It is neither a gallery nor a museum, but a space for ``living.'' The idea was to hold an exhibition by Japanese artists of Nishizawa's generation using the 4-story building. , Koichi Tsuchida (ceramist), Risaku Suzuki (photographer), Teppei Kaneji (contemporary artist), and Tomoo Hirose (contemporary artist) exhibited their works, and photographer Risaku Suzuki took pictures. ”.