世界劇場 / The Globe Theater(Signed)

川田 喜久治 / Kikuji Kawada



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/225*305*30
"The Globe Theater (Signed)" is a photo book by Kikuji Kawada, one of Japan's leading photographers. He is a member of ``VIVO'', which brought together Japan's leading postwar photographers such as Shomei Tomatsu, Ichitaka Narahara, Hideko Hosoe, Akira Sato, and Akira Tanno, and although he has published few photo books, he is a member of the history of Japanese photography. Kikuji Kawada is known for his works such as ``Map,'' which is considered a monumental work in Japan. In recent years, he has continued to be active, releasing ``Vortex,'' a collection of color illustrations that he had been uploading on Instagram, and a new edition of ``Maps.'' This book is a valuable collection of works published in a private edition in 1998. Composed of three parts: "Los Caprichos 1969-1981", "Last Cosmology 1979-1997", and "Car Maniac 1991-1998". The book design by Mitsuo Katsui is also beautiful and symbolizes Kawada's image. Limited to 550 copies. Includes edition number. Signed by the photographer .
<Related Artists> 川田 喜久治 / Kikuji Kawada
<Condition> Good.