フォトコンテスト 73-10 / Photo Contest Monthly 73-10




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/182   Size/183*258*13
Camera magazine "Photo Contest 73-10 / Photo Contest Monthly 73-10". This is the final issue. This is a photo magazine published from January 1968 to October 1973 by Shashin Hyoronsha, which published masterpieces such as "Photographs 1-10", Daido Moriyama's "Photo Goodbye", Eikoh Hosoe's "Embrace", Shomei Tomatsu's "I am a King", and Kikuji Kawada's "Sacred World". And the representative of the company and the magazine is "Nobuya Yoshimura". A photo critic and editor who passed away in his 40s, Eikoh Hosoe was a high school alumnus, and since the 1960s he has been making selections and reviews in numerous camera magazines. As the name suggests, the Photo Contest is a magazine that focuses on open submissions for amateurs, and Kaneo Kuwabara and others also conduct selection and critiques. A series of early 70's works that remind us of the camera daily "album" series. By the way, the model on the left side of the cover of this issue is the young Nobuyoshi Araki, and the photo was taken by Koji Yaehata.
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good.