Instant Light Tarkovsky Polaroids(2012)

Andrey Tarkovsky


Publisher/Thames & Hudson

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/135   Size/215*158*13
Soviet film director Andrei Tarkovsky's photo book "Instant Light Tarkovsky Polaroids (2012)". Against the background of Soviet art and culture and profound spiritualism, Tarkovsky created masterpieces that will remain in film history, such as "Solaris," "Mirror," and "Nostalgia," despite his limited production. The world view created by Tarkovsky is so original that it is no wonder that there are many enthusiastic fans who are fascinated by the lyrical and artistic story and the beauty of the images. Akira Kurosawa, a Japanese film director with whom I had a close relationship, commented that "Tarkovsky's sensibility is too sharp." This book is a book composed of Polaroid illustrations taken by Tarkovsky between 1979 and 1984 in Russia and Italy. Numerous works filled with dazzling beauty and melancholy. Edited by Giovanni Chiaramonte, an Italian photographer who had a close relationship with Luigi Gilli and was also a colleague who founded the publishing company together. 2012 Reprint version.
<Related Artists> Andrey Tarkovsky
<Condition> Good.