Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman


Publisher/National Portrait Gallery

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/250*320*30
A collection of photographs by Cindy Sherman, an American female photographer and contemporary artist. From the latter half of the 1970s to the 1980s, the world of photography entered a period of great upheaval. From serious photographs that focused more on the personal inner world than on the public outer surface, to many humorous photographs created by intersecting trends in contemporary art. now appear. Cindy Sherman is one of the representatives of this postmodernization of photography. Sherman created a virtual world created by mass media such as movies, advertisements, pornography, and fashion. The photographs, which were created with large-format prints, were highly acclaimed for suggesting fresh surprises and new possibilities for the multifaceted medium of photography. This book is a collection of works published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the National Portrait Gallery in London in 2019, and is an impressive book that introduces portraits created by Sherman in chronological order. Discussion by curator Paul Moorhouse.
<Related Artists> Cindy Sherman
<Condition> Very good.