Here Is New York: A Democracy of Photographs




Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース    Pages/861   Size/215*305*65
This is a photo collection of the situation of "New York" at the time of the enormous damage caused by the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. At the suggestion of writer Michal Shulan, Gilles Peress of Magnum Photos, who was commissioned to photograph the area at the time for "The Newyorker", Charles Traub, who was also a photographer and chairman of the art school in New York, and curator Four members of Alice Rose George became the founders, and a photo exhibition was held first. The works of Gilles and other professional photographers, as well as photographs collected by thousands of amateurs, were exhibited from September 25th to October 15th, and were well received, and the exhibition was extended until December 24th, Christmas. The four founders sell the photos for $25 each and donate the proceeds to support children affected by the incident. This book is a collection of those photographs, and is not a so-called monumental collection of works, but a wonderfully edited and spectacular documentary, a large work of over 800 pages. This is a book from the now-defunct Swiss publisher Scalo, which produced numerous masterpieces. New York in Photobooks collection book.
<Related Artists> Magnum Photos
<Condition> Good.