H ロッキング・オン・ジャパン 1996年7月増刊号 特集=カリフォルニア'96


¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/96   Size/230*300*5
This magazine is the July 1996 issue of the magazine "H" published by Rocking On. It is a culture magazine that continues to be published on an irregular basis to this day. Initially (still?), it was positioned as a sister magazine to "Cut". The unique magazine space that interweaves such as is attractive. The theme of this issue is "California '96." Nearly 30 years have passed since the "hippie movement" that swept the West Coast of the United States, and now youth culture centered on flower children is mainstream. It is an attractive book that contains precious fashion portraits taken by a young Sofia Coppola of such California girls culture.
<Related Artists> DUNE
<Condition> Good.