Every Single One of Them

Jack Pierson

¥8,800(¥8,000 + tax)

Publisher/Twin Palms Publishers

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/238*300*40
A collection of works by American photographer Jack Pearson "Every Single One of Them". Born in Massachusetts in 1960, Pearson attended the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in his hometown, then studied photography at the university adjacent to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Together with him, he was called the "Boston School" and was one of the promising artists of the future. In 1992, he gained even more attention with his private collection of works "Angel Youth", and his intimate and unique (self) portraits are said to have had a great influence on Japanese photographers active in the 1990s. In addition, Pearson will demonstrate his talent in a wide range of fields such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, and will be active as a multi-artist. It is summarized with an image close to, and Brad Pitt etc. will also appear.
<Related Artists> Jack Pierson, Nan Goldin
<Condition> Good.