Snow and Rose & Other Tales

Marianna Rothen


Publisher/b frank books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*285*15
"Snow and Rose & Other Tales" is a collection of works by Marianne Rothen (1982-), a photographer born in Canada and currently based in New York. Marianne, who was a model in her teens, is now a visual artist who makes full use of photography and film. A retro image of the postwar 60's and 70's. Although it is a kind of classical image depiction that has been influenced by the films of masters such as Tarkovsky, Godard and Lynch, the themes are unified into modern parts based on "women" and "gender". This book, which is also the first book, creates a dream world where women can be feminine and resonate with each other in a world without men. It is a wonderful collection of works unified with beautiful images of women who can not say anything.
<Related Artists> Ryan Mcginley
<Condition> Very good.