5 × 7(With Poster)

William Eggleston

¥11,000(¥10,000 + tax)

Publisher/The Eakins Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/275*265*20
A collection of works by William Eggleston, one of America's leading photographers, "5 x 7 (With Poster)". Italy's Luigi Gilli, who has challenged color photography since the days when black and white was the main style, has been re-evaluated as a pioneer of modern color photography. And William Eggleston, who had already been highly acclaimed since the 70s. They recognized each other, but even though they had the same color, they were similar but different. Gilli's color is intelligent and full of curiosity, and has a kind of craftsmanship and artistic touch that keeps exploring the possibilities of expression in photography. On the other hand, Eggleston, based on his historical and geographical background, is full of overwhelming sense and beauty that even men will fall in love with. This book consists of illustrations taken with a 5 x 7 inch large format camera in the 70's, and is mainly a book of rare portraits. Included in one frame at the nightclub I was attending and two-shot photos with my ally Gary Winogrand at the end of the book. Comes with a poster.
<Related Artists> Luigi GhirriWilliam Eggleston
<Condition> Good.