Tokyo; Daido Moriyama, Shomei Tomatsu(Signed by Daido)

森山 大道 & 東松 照明 / Daido Moriyama & Shomei Tomatsu


Publisher/Akio Nagasawa Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/183*258*15
This book is a collection of catalog works published on the occasion of the exhibition "Tokyo; Daido Moriyama, Shomei Tomatsu" scheduled to be held at MEP in Paris in 2020. In the Japanese photography world, it is no exaggeration to say that the 1960s was the era of Tomatsu, and the 1970s was the era of Moriyama (by the way, the 1980s was the era of Araki). After moving to Tokyo, he became an assistant to Eikoh Hosoe, but it was Higashimatsu who was probably the most influenced by Moriyama in terms of style during this period. say. However, in the 1960s, Moriyama, who did not have the base of socialist documentaries like Higashimatsu, tried to establish his own firm style from the surface. I'm looking forward to a project that focuses on these two people, but due to the corona virus, the exhibition will be delayed and the catalog will be released first. Moriyama's portrait "Hana no Kanbase" in disguise published by Tomatsu in the 1970s will decorate the cover (By the way, "Hana no Kanbase" also includes Fukase and Araki's, and is also included in this book). A/P version. A set of 3 books: a photo book by Higashimatsu and Moriyama, and a textbook. Signed by Daido Moriyama .
<Related Artists> 森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama東松 照明 / Shomei Tomatsu
<Condition> Very good.