Avec Le Coeur

Theo Gosselin


Publisher/Editions du LIC

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*268*15
A collection of works by French photographer Theo Gosselin "Avec Le Coeur". Born in the Normandy region of northern France, he is currently a photographer based in Paris and Amiens. The visual depiction using rich coloring with the motif of young generation culture reminds us of Ryan McGinley and others as described in this book, but it is a document modeled on close friends rather than fiction. There is a reality, and it is an artist who is expected to be active in the future along with Chad Moore and others. In 2012, Gosselin also produced a road movie through a 20,000-kilometer trip across the United States, demonstrating his talent as a filmmaker, but this is the first book published in 2013. It can be said to be a representative book of young culture photo books that convey the emotional daily life of free young people. 2014, 2nd edition.
<Related Artists> Ryan Mcginley
<Condition> Very good.