あの夏の最後の日 / The Last Day of Summer

Jock Sturges

¥11,000(¥10,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*295*15
A photo book "The Last Day of Summer" by Jock Sturgis, a New York-born photographer who is very popular in Japan. For years, Sturgis has taken portraits of naturalist families living in southern French beaches and northern California. This is Sturgis' memorable first book, and the English version is "The Last Day of Summer", which is now being reprinted in paperback. The portraits of men and women of naturalists taken on the beaches of Southern France and California mentioned above and the nudes of their families are the main focus, but there are many beautiful illustrations with a sense of transparency and poetic elements.
<Related Artists> Jock SturgesDavid Hamilton
<Condition> Good.