Magnum Contact Sheets



Publisher/Thames & Hudson

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/524   Size/240*293*40
This book is a collection of works introducing the "contact sheets" of photographers belonging to the photo agency "Magnum". Betayaki is useful as a record of shooting, as an editing tool, and as an index for storage. It is also valuable to understand. In this book, by age from the 1930s to the 2000s before the war, starting with Bresson and Capa, Rene Burri's Che Guevara, Josef Koudelka's invasion of Prague, Susan Meiselas' Carnival Strippers, Martin Parr's Bad Weather, Classics include Larry Tawell's The Mennotites, Bruce Gilden's Yakuza, Jonas Bendiksen's Satellitetes, Jakob Au Sobor's Sabine, Trent Parke's Summer Rain and The Seventh Wave. Published in 2017, popular edition soft cover, English version.
<Related Artists> Magnum Photos
<Condition> Good.