Between Us and The Sea

Tamara Lichtenstein


Publisher/Editions du LIC

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*265*15
"Between Us and The Sea" is a collection of works by Tamara Lichtenstein, a female photographer born in Bolivia and currently based in Houston, USA. Tamara, who is also active in fashion magazines such as Vogue, is a modern fashion art creation that interweaves portraits of women and landscapes that skillfully incorporate light and color.・Although there are elements that lead to the depictions of Moore and Theo Gosselin, there is originality in the style that emotionally expresses the beauty and delicate feelings of women from a more feminine perspective. This is a book that uses the "sea" as a motif and spins a road trip from Houston to California into a fictional story. It is a collection of works that are fascinated by many beautiful illustrations. Limited to 650 copies. With edition number.
<Related Artists> Ryan Mcginley
<Condition> Very good.