Where We Belong

瀧澤 明子 / Akiko Takizawa

¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)

Publisher/Actes Sud

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/99   Size/228*288*15
"Where We Belong" is a collection of works by Japanese photographer Akiko Takizawa, who has won the award-winning "HSBC Photo Award" in the French international photography contest. Except for a few photographs, the photographs that capture the landscape of Japan from a unique perspective are composed of black-and-white photographs, and although they have the weight and atmosphere peculiar to black-and-white photographs, they make you feel the four seasons by looking through Takizawa. There are a lot of photographs and live photographs that make you feel the life and vitality of the people who live there.
<Related Artists> 木村 肇 / Hajime Kimura
<Condition> Very good.