Hugo Boss Autumn / Winter 1995/96(Photo by Juergen Teller)



Publisher/Hugo Boss

Format/ソフトカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/310*410*15
Fall / winter 1995-96 image visual of the German-born collection brand "Hugo Boss". The photographer was also from Germany and is currently the most popular photographer in the world, Juergen Teller. Although the request from the Maison brand such as Louis Vuitton has not made a mark, it was "Marc Jacobs" who continued to collaborate for many years from 1997 to solidify the position as a commercial work of the teller. It is a collaboration with. The collaboration, which sometimes featured Winona Ryder and Sofia Coppola, was very unique and beautiful, but before collaborating with Mark, it was this Hugo Boss image shoot. It is a beautiful visual book with a very elaborate design, such as changing papers and interweaving contacts. It is also a valuable commercial work in the early days of Teller.
<Related Artists> Juergen Teller
<Condition> Good.