時の島々 -Islands of Time-

東松 照明 / Shomei Tomatsu



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/143   Size/300*310*20
Japanese photographer Higashimatsu Lighting's photo collection "Times Islands". “<11:02> NAGASAKI” “Oh! Shinjuku” “Japan” “I am a king” “sun pencil” announced many masterpieces, and numerous exhibitions were held in the US and Europe, Photographer Higashimatsu lighting who represents Japan with high evaluation. This book is a co-author of the cultural anthropologist Ryuta Imafuku, published in 1998. Over the limitations of the age, theme, etc., focusing on the 100 black and white photographs “<11:02> NAGASAKI”, “chewing gum and chocolate”, “sun pencils”, taken in the 1950s and 70s, Select an abstract universality and re-edit it in a three-part "one time", "now" and "someday". A unique collection of photographs and symphonies of words.
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東松 照明 / Shomei Tomatsu奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara石元 泰博 / Yasuhiro Ishimoto

<Condition> Jacket: Normal, Body: Small small yogore, Other standard