カメラ毎日 1983年・全12号 / Camera Mainichi All 12 issues 1983


¥27,500(¥25,000 + tax)


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A set of 12 issues in 1983 of the photo magazine "Camera Mainichi". Since the mid-1960s, the camera was overwhelmingly popular with many famous and unknown photographers taken up by the de facto editor-in-chief Shoji Yamagishi, but the camera gradually moved away from Yamagishi70. It has been losing momentum since the early '1s and the late' 70s when Yamagishi left Camera Mainichi. However, with the help of photographers who have begun to take the sun again due to the popularity of magazines such as "The Age of Photography," here is the camera every day in the early 1980s, when many unique works were featured. The December issue is a series of color landscapes called "Tokyo Bay City" by Masahisa Fukase, who is currently being re-evaluated worldwide, and Miyako Ishiuchi, who has emerged since the latter half of the 1970s. This series is full of highlights, such as Araki, who had a heyday in the era of photography, serialized "Personality in Photography", and Moriyama, who had revived, was recorded here and there.
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good with some wear and damages for the age.