Lisboa, Cidade Triste E Alegre(2018)

Victor Palla & Costa Martins

¥19,800(¥18,000 + tax)

Publisher/A Bela e o Monstro Edicoes

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/175   Size/253*203*20
This book is a 2018 reprint of the photo book "Lisboa, Cidade Triste E Alegre" published in Portugal in 1959. It was published by Victor Palla & Costa Martins, a classmate at a domestic art university at the time, with the desire to "take a lot of pictures of Lisbon and put them together in a book", but Martin Parr and Gerry, the authorities of photography historians.・ It is the best book co-authored by Parr and featured in "The Photobook: A History, Vol.1", a collection of works introducing historical masterpieces of photo books. Following the novel and graphical design of contemporary William Klein and Ed van der Elsken, this book has a unique photo layout and pagination, and is described as a "graphic poem." .. Of course, the photo itself is a wonderful photo album full of poetic lyricism, with wonderful visual depictions reminiscent of Klein and the road from straight photography. (It is one size smaller than the 2015 version)
<Related Artists> Johan Van Der KeukenEd van der Elsken
<Condition> Good.