アサヒカメラ1978年・全12号 + 増刊号4冊 / Asahi Camera All 12 issues + 4 Special Issues 1978


¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


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This book is a set of 12 volumes + 4 special editions from the January to December 1978 issue of the camera magazine "Asahi Camera", for a total of 16 volumes. Takuma Nakahira loses his memory, Daido Moriyama falls into a slump, and Nobuyoshi Araki tends to shift to a tag with Akira Suei, and the shadows of the works recorded by the main members who have been leading since the 1960s tend to be overshadowed. Late 70's. On the other hand, people who were not originally specialized in photography, such as Shinya Fujiwara from oil painting, Miyako Ishiuchi from textiles, and Keiichi Tahara who was a lighting and video designer, have newly appeared, and it is a new style of documentary. , Started to present works that led to the trend of contemporary art in the 1980s, and they won the Kimura Ihei Award for Photography and presented the next step of Japanese photography. Nonetheless, many career groups such as Kazuo Kitai, Shoji Ueda, Ryoji Akiyama, and Haruo Tomiyama have also released a number of works, and it can be said that it is an interesting year in a sense that old and new photography styles are interwoven.
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good with moderate wear.