アサヒカメラ1979年・全12号 + 増刊号3冊 / Asahi Camera All 12 issues + 3 Special Issues 1979




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This book is a set of 12 volumes + 3 special editions from the January to December 1979 issue of the camera magazine "Asahi Camera", for a total of 15 volumes. In the latter half of the 1970s, new signs began to appear little by little from photographs such as VIVO and Provoke, which were the center of the rise of Japanese photography in the 1960s and 1970s. The representative is Miyako Ishiuchi, who was praised by Nobuyoshi Araki and Shomei Tomatsu, and was devoted to photography in earnest from a camera amateur, and finally won the 4th Kimura Ihei Award for Photography for the first time as a woman. At that time, I put my personal thoughts on heavy monochrome, and while inheriting the genealogy of Higashimatsu and Moriyama, I released works with a deeper personal documentary element. Shinya Fujiwara, who was from the oil painting department of Tokyo University of the Arts, also won the 3rd Kimura Ihei Photo Award for his work that expresses his travels abroad in heavy colors, and was a lighting designer of the theater company. Asahi Camera 1979, which can be said to be a valuable record collection of the era when a new trend was emerging, such as Keiichi Tahara's presentation of a large-format landscape that included contemporary art elements of the 1980s captured in Paris. This is the issue.
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good with moderate wear.