幻視 / Genshi

柴岡 秀和 / Hidekazu Shibaoka



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/268*318*20
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Hidekazu Shibaoka, "Genshi". Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1959, he entered the Department of Photography at Osaka University of Arts in 1979, and graduated from Inoue Seminar under Seiryu Inoue, one of the leading photographers in postwar Japan, who also studied under Daido Moriyama and others. After that, after belonging to the photography department of the prestigious commercial Japan Design Center, he has been active as a freelancer for several years. And this is the first book published in 1996, a unique work that became a hot topic at that time. Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Soseki Natsume, Toson Shimazaki, Kafu Nagai, Ichiyo Higuchi. .. The names and portraits of such literary figures are lined up, but this is a "fiction" created by Shibaoka with great effort. Using a "camera" that "photographs" the "true", we entered the past world and created a visionary world. "Shibaoka World, which skillfully combines the realism of portrait photography with the theatrical nature of fashion photography" (Kotaro Iizawa). Models include Sayoko Yamaguchi, Jun Togawa, and Tetsuya Chikushi.
<Related Artists> 山口 小夜子 / Sayoko Yamaguchi井上 青龍 / Seiryu Inoue
<Condition> Good.