新編 太陽の鉛筆 / New Edition The Pencil of Sun

東松 照明 / Shomei Tomatsu

¥16,500(¥15,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー&スリップケース   Pages/432   Size/258*230*38
A photo book of Shomei Tomatsu, a leading photographer in postwar Japan, "New Edition Sun Pencil". "<11:02> NAGASAKI" "Oh! Shomei Tomatsu has released many masterpieces such as "Shinjuku", "Japan", "I am a king", and a photo book about Okinawa, and has held numerous exhibitions in the United States and Europe. This book was released as a separate volume of Camera Mainichi in 1975, and is a documentary photograph that captures the appearance of Okinawa (sea, sky, islands, people) from the occupation of the United States in 1969 to the return to the mainland. And a new edition that is counted as a masterpiece of Shomei Tomatsu, which won the Minister of Education Award for Art Selection. It consists of two volumes, "Taiyo no Pencil 1975" and "Taiyo no Pencil 2015". 1975 was compiled without changing the composition of the original edition so much, and 2015 was taken after the original edition was published. 103 illustrations that inherit the genealogy are selected and edited.
<Related Artists> 東松 照明 / Shomei Tomatsu
<Condition> Good.