Miles An Illustrated Portrait by Herbert Joos

Herbert Joos


Publisher/Phono Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/425*490*3
This book is a collection of works by German jazz trapeter master Herbert Joos, "Miles An Illustrated Portrait by Herbert Joos". Born in Karlsruhe in 1940, he has been active as a musician since the 1970s, while also working as an illustrator and painter. When he was a student, he earned tuition from commercial paintings and marketing graphics. While he often co-stars with famous orchestras and orchestras, he is a modern artist with a multifaceted face, such as performing contemporary composition such as new age music. This is a collection of works published in the same year that Miles died, and consists of a portrait of Miles' illustrations by Yoth. Also included is a CD containing 12 CBS label songs such as "Tads Delight" and "Round Midnight". Limited edition number included. (Large size of 425 * 490)
<Related Artists> マイルス・デイビス
<Condition> Good.