The Eyes of the City

Richard Sandler


Publisher/Powerhouse Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/179   Size/275*295*20
"The Eyes of the City" is a collection of works by Richard Sandler, an American photographer and filmmaker. As a street photographer, he has taken black-and-white snapshots since the 1970s and has become a permanent collection of famous museums. As a non-fiction documentary filmmaker, he has released "The Gods of Times Square," "Brave New York," and "Radioactive City." This book is a collection of works composed of snaps taken in New York and Boston from the 70's to the 2000's. From wide-angle lenses like Gary Winogrand, which are full of human patterns, to strange compositions like Lee Friedlander, and strange moments reminiscent of Jeff Mamelstein. This book contains attractive snapshots of outstanding skills and aesthetics, such as the dark side depictions of the city by Keizo Kitajima and Bruce Davidson.
<Related Artists> Peter MartensLee Friedlander北島 敬三 / Keizo Kitajima
<Condition> Very good.