Pleasant Street

Judith Black

¥13,200(¥12,000 + tax)

Publisher/Stanley Barker

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*255*20
"Pleasant Street", a collection of works by American female photographer Judith Black. Born in 1945, he began working on photography in earnest in the late 1970s. Judy, a single mother who had four children at the time, moved from New Hampshire to Massachusetts and was raising children while studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The outside of the town I moved to was desolate, and it wasn't an environment where I could take snapshots while walking outside. In the 1980s, as represented by Sally Mann and others, intimate photographs of women and mothers with their families became a hot topic and attracted attention, and Judy's work was also highly evaluated, and from 1987 the state He began teaching at Wellesley College in Tokyo, where he taught younger generations as head of the photography department for over 20 years. Around 1990, Alec Soth, who was 21 at the time, said he was impressed with Judy's work. Please enjoy such a wonderful work.
<Related Artists> Julie Blackmon
<Condition> Very good.