Sleepless Nights

Helmut Newton

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)

Publisher/Schirmer Art Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/159   Size/200*270*20
Helmut Newton's photo book "Sleepless Nights" is one of the leading photographers of the 20th century. Born in Berlin in 1920, after training under a female photographer, he moved to Singapore and joined the company as a news photographer for a newspaper company, but was dismissed two weeks later because of his lack of talent. After that, he moved to Australia, where he traveled, and after the war he founded a studio in Melbourne, and the following year he married Alice Springs, an actress and photographer at the time. In the latter half of the 1950s, he returned to Europe and was active mainly in fashion magazines such as "Vogue", immobilizing his position. A photographer who has sometimes radically portrayed "strong and beautiful female figures" through nudity and portraiture, this book is the second work following the first book "White Women" and is a masterpiece that made Newton's name known to the world. It is one of.
<Related Artists> Helmut Newton
<Condition> Good.