Quarterly DUNE No.30 2005 Winter


¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/225*295*10
The winter 2005 issue of the fashion culture magazine "Dune" directed by the legendary editor-in-chief, Fumihiro Hayashi, volume 30. Fumihiro Hayashi, who died of colorectal cancer at the young age of 46, made full use of a network related to fashion, art, and subculture, and was joined by a tremendous number of artists and photographers. From the first issue of 1993 with Rie Miyazawa on the cover, the 33rd and final issue of 2008 covered by Rinko Kikuchi. Then, in 2011, it was republished as "Libertin / Dune", but as a result, the magazine became Hayashi's last work. In this issue, from the portrait of actress Chiaki Kuriyama by Takehide Niitsubo, Masaru Tatsuki "Life of Decoration-Truck", Keisuke Nagoshi "Blind Rocker", and Lieko Shiga's "Welcome to Tomlinson Close", which is currently attracting a lot of attention. It is a difficult choice. In addition, overseas photographers such as Terry Richardson, Kenneth Cappello, and Norman Watson have also appeared, making this a book full of highlights.
<Related Artists> DUNE
<Condition> Good.