ナイキ・バイブル / Nike Bible '97


¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/130   Size/210*260*8
Complete reader of Nike sneakers "Nike Bible / Nike Bible '97". A lineup of 1,500 pairs in total, including those that were on sale at the time and even vintage shoes, is introduced. The table of contents is "World premiere model rare vintage & latest model runaway scoop" "New century NIKE 97 fall model complete master" "LS model strongest catalog" "Airmax empire glory trajectory" "Beautiful vintage collection" "Signature ・Models & Successive Models Super Players Models, Bespoke & Limited Models Summit Showdown, etc. The popular series and trends of the time, which are different from the current sneaker boom, are also an interesting book.
<Related Artists> funfunfun
<Condition> Good.