ことばのない思考 事物・空間・映像についての覚え書

多木 浩二 / Koji Taki



Format/ハードカバー    Pages/365   Size/135*195*25
A collection of works by Koji Taki, one of Japan's leading art critics after the war and famous for his criticism of architecture and photography. In addition to the video provokers Takuma Nakahira, Daido Moriyama, and Yutaka Takanashi, the legendary doujin who has a great influence even now, with unique members such as Takahiko Okada and Koji Taki. Taki who was a member of the group "Provoke". This book is a collection of criticisms published by Tabata Shoten, which is the same as the final chapter of Provoke, "First, Abandon the Realm of Verisimilitude" (1970), and is probably the first book by Taki alone. It is a compilation of the contents written in "First of all, Tashikarasashi ..." and "Design", "New Architecture", "SD", "Asahi Camera", etc. published at the same time. Taki himself took a picture and even posted it on Provoke, so the text about the picture is very interesting, and the other writings about Arata Isozaki and Kazuo Shinohara are also worth reading.
<Related Artists> プロヴォーク / Provoke
<Condition> Good.