Paris + Klein(German Edition)

William Klein


Publisher/Edition Braus

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/346   Size/255*345*35
A photo book "Paris + Klein (German Edition)" by William Klein, a painter, photographer and film director from New York, USA. Born and raised in New York, moved to Paris. There he studied painting under Fernand Léger, but later worked on photography and film. Published in 1956, "Life is Good & Good for you in New York" is known as a masterpiece in the history of photobooks, but "blurring and rough particles, telephoto lenses and wide-angle lenses, direct flashlights, etc." By adopting techniques and reflecting himself in the work, it was an epoch-making one that presented a new visual language that was different from the traditional way of looking at things. " Photo books such as "Rome", "Moscow", and "Tokyo" published after that had a great influence to this day and were also active in fashion photography, but this book was taken at the same time as the above-mentioned urban tetralogy. A collection of works composed of "Paris" plates taken after the interruption of movie activities. A large book with about 350 pages. German version.
<Related Artists> William Klein
<Condition> Good.