氾濫 / Overflow

中平 卓馬 / Takuma Nakahira


Publisher/Case Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/64   Size/258*365*5
A photo book "Overflow" by Takuma Nakahira, one of Japan's leading photographers. After working as an editor of the magazine "Modern Eyes", he started taking photographs in the mid-1960s and at the same time wrote photographs. The concept of "Provoke", which overturned the traditional aesthetics and thoughts, left a big mark on the history of Japanese photography. Since then, he has been suffering from illness and has a handicap in memory and language ability, but he is a great artist who has published photo books such as "New Gaze", "ADIEU AX" and "hysteric Six NAKAHIRA Takuma". This book is a collection of works published in 2018, and summarizes Nakahira's installation "Flood" presented at the exhibition "15 Photographers" held at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 1974. One. Forty-eight color plates are housed in a frame over 6 meters, and the flooded installations of the time are being attempted to be reproduced on the layout of a single book. Comes with a tote bag.
<Related Artists> 中平 卓馬 / Takuma Nakahira
<Condition> Very good with limited tote bag.