Josef Sudek I grandi fotografi

Josef Sudek


Publisher/Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/61   Size/290*220*5
"Josef Sudek I grandi fotografi", a collection of photographs by Czech photographer Josef Sudek, who represents the 20th century. Josef Sudek is an indispensable photographer when talking about the Czech art scene, which is very popular in Japan. Landscapes such as "panorama" depicting the original landscape of Czech Republic, landscapes of forests and gardens inspired by nature, plates capturing castles and Baroque architecture, and lights recorded in the atelier and its surroundings. From artistic works that give a glimpse of the influence of Surrealism, such as still lifes that skillfully incorporate shadows, to breathtakingly beautiful poetic still life, we continued to create new images from everyday casual scenes. I'm an artist. This book is the Sudek issue of the special series "I grandi fotografi" of famous photographers published by an Italian publisher, and is a book that contains many of the above-mentioned masterpieces such as Window of My Studio, Still Life, and Labyrinth. ..
<Related Artists> Josef Sudek
<Condition> Good. Body: Cover Slightly discolored, Slightly stained, Slightly damaged Heaven, Earth, Small edge Slightly discolored, Small edge damage