カメラ毎日 1978年・全12号 / Camera Mainichi All 12 issues 1978(Fair Copy)




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/180*258*180
"Camera Mainichi 1978 All 12 issues set", which ended in the April 1985 issue. Camera Mainichi, formerly known as the "Emperor," Shoji Yamagishi had the title of "Editor-in-Chief" from 1976 to the July 1978 issue. In that year, Yamagishi retired from the Mainichi Newspapers early and became free, but in July 1979, he hanged himself and left the world. In 1978, the last year that Yamagishi was in charge of editing this magazine, works related to Masahisa Fukase's masterpiece "Crow" were "Crow <3> Akatsuki no Kanazawa / Ishikawamon" (January issue) and "Crow". <4> ”(June issue) has been announced. By the way, the plate with the motif of Fukase's crow began to be announced under the title of "crow" from the October 1976 issue of Camera Mainichi, when Shoji Yamagishi was the editor-in-chief. Because. In addition, the cover photo of the same year is very gorgeous and beautiful with works by Yoshihiro Tatsuki, Kazumi Kurigami, Koichi Inakoshi, Noriaki Yokosuka, Tadashi Endo, Yukihiko Shima, Peter Beard and others. (Some pages are damaged)
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good with some wear and small damages.