
Bill Owens


Publisher/Straight Arrow Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*255*10
"Suburbia" is a photo book of American photographer Bill Owens. This book is a masterpiece photo book that documents life in the suburbs of the United States and has been nominated for "The Book of 101 Books" by Andrew Roth. Owens, who began living independently as a photographer in Livermore, California in 1968, took two years to capture the hundreds of family lives in the neighborhood. A new family with well-developed highways, homes in the suburbs, and a rich lifestyle without material shortages. People like the symbol of the American dream. On the other hand, homeless people who exist like the inside out of the consumer society, blacks and Asians who have succeeded and moved to the suburbs, and nature lost due to rapid urbanization. .. .. Light and shadow hidden in a prosperous society. In this book, the background and reality of the United States at that time are captured in detail, and each plate also has very interesting comments. A collection of works that can be said to be the gold standard of documentary photography that raises various issues through photography. This book is the 2nd Printing published in 1973.
<Condition> Acceptable.