Viaggio In Italia

Luigi Ghirri & Others


Publisher/Il Quadrante

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/131   Size/260*210*13
Photo book "Viaggio In Italia" by Italian photographer Luigi Gilli. This book is a collection of works planned by Luigi Gilli and published at the exhibition `` Viaggio In Italia '' held in 1984, and is famous for arturo caro Quinta Valle and Gilli, who are famous as art historians. Text by writer Gianni Cerati. A meaningful exhibition conceived by the photographer himself, after many years of planning by Gilli to explore the relationship with the Italian landscape and environment. The cover design, directed by Gilli's wife, Paola Borgonzoni Gilli, is like a gilli-like "map". More than 20 photographers, including Gilli, Gabriele Basilico, Guido Guidi, Claude Nori, Oribo Barbieri, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Claude Nori, Vincenzo Castella, etc. It is one of the most important exhibitions in the history of photography in Italy and in the career of Luigi Gilli.
<Related Artists> Luigi Ghirri
<Condition> Body: cover minor scratches, minor scratches, minor stains on the back and stains, small and very small dirt