Des Oiseaux(Second Edition)

Pentti Sammallahti


Publisher/Editions Xavier Barral

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/120   Size/210*265*15
Finnish photographer Penti Samaratti's photo book "Des Oiseaux (Second Edition)". A landscape photographer who is very popular in Japan. Engaged in photography education at the Helsinki University of Arts and Design, the largest art university in the Nordic countries, and devoted himself to the career of a photographer in the early 90's, when he was over 40 years old, after a 15-year grant decision. Samaratti. Since then, he has traveled around the world, including Finland, Northern Europe, England, Japan, and China, and has continued to take photographs, winning numerous awards both at home and abroad. The targets of Samaratti's work are "landscapes," "animals," and "humans." The vast land, the animals living there, and the human figure are poetically expressed in monochrome, and it is a quiet work that makes you feel lonely at times. This book is a Samaratti version of the "Des Oiseaux" series, a collection of works with the motif of "birds" published by the French publisher Editions Xavier Barral. The long-awaited second edition of the collection of works that sold out in a blink of an eye in 2018.
<Related Artists> Pentti Sammallahti
<Condition> New.