日本の自画像 写真が描く戦後1945 - 1964




Format/ハードカバー   Pages/237   Size/195*255*20
This book is a catalog photo book published from 2009 to 2010 at the exhibition that went around the Setagaya Museum of Art, Ken Domon Memorial Museum, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, and Kiyosato Photo Art Museum.The original version was published in France in 2004. "Japan: A Self-Portrait: Photographs 1945-1964". Marc Fuster, a French photographer of Japanese history, became interested in "postwar Japan", which had undergone a dramatic postwar economic recovery and transformed into an economic superpower in less than 20 years. And, focusing on the "photograph" that contains the historical facts, this precious book was compiled by Fiestel while deepening relationships with Japanese art and photograph researchers. Hiroshi Hamaya, who had been evacuated to Niigata on the end of the war, heard the information of the end of the war and the voice of the emperor on the radio, and immediately after this, the book that started with a picture containing the "sun" with "something to think of" was written in addition to Hamaya, Ihei Kimura, Ken Domon, Shigekazu Nagano, Tadahiko Hayashi, Takeno Tanuma, Kazutaka Narahara, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, Kikuji Kawada, Eiko Hosoe, and lighting by Tomatsu Matsumoto. Views, bios, and listings are also posted.
<Related Artists> 濱谷 浩 / Hiroshi Hamaya
<Condition> Main body: cover low color faded, low profile thread, low color faded