空を掴め / Catch the Emptiness

谷口 昌良 & 石田 瑞穂 / Akiyoshi Taniguchi & Mizuho Ishida

¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)

Publisher/Kurenboh & Yutaka Kikutake Gallery Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/42   Size/135*195*10
"Catch the Emptiness" co-authored by Japanese photographer Akiyoshi Taniguchi and poet Mizuho Ishida. Akiyoshi Taniguchi is engaged in missionary work as a priest in Tokyo, and at the same time has an exhibition and viewing space "Kurenbo" in the temple where he regularly holds exhibitions and works as a photographer. Recently, he has created a collection of works he has created in the past by age group, "Shashin Shonen Series," and in 2019, co-authored with one of Japan's leading photographers, Naoya Hatakeyama, "Kurenbo-Buddhist and "Photo" is also announced. In this book, Taniguchi, who was myopic astigmatism, responds to the blurry and uncertain world feeling seen with the naked eye, what is the focus on the contrary, what the subject is, the basis of existence of myself and other companies And is composed of illustrations taken by visiting the pine forest of Matsubara of Miho who is related to Hakuin Zen Master, asking for the answer. A poem, Mizuho Ishida, who resonates with the photograph, will also be accompanied by a newly written "Thunder song" to guide the reader into the world of "grab the sky". Limited to 300 copies.
<Related Artists> 谷口 昌良 / Akiyoshi Taniguchi
<Condition> New Book.