Emmet Gowin

Emmet Gowin



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/240   Size/248*288*30
A collection of works by Emmet Gauwin, one of the leading post-war American photographers. Born in Virginia, USA in 1941, learned from Harry Callahan, who also studied under Yasuhiro Ishimoto.In the 1960s, his intimate photographs of his wife and family made him highly evaluated, and after the 1980s, the transformation of nature was artificially destroyed. Will be included in the aerial photograph. The mysterious landscape has been further evaluated with the uniqueness of Gowin, which is also based on the rigidness that is common to Callahan and the new topographical viewpoint that has flourished since the 1980s. In recent years, we have released "Mariposas Nocturnas" (2017), a collection of moths from all over the world, and admire Gowin's diverse perspectives and his skill. This book is a collection of catalog works published at the exhibition held in Spain from 2013 to 2014. 181 illustrations are included as a summary of Gowin's career.
<Related Artists> Emmet GowinSally MannHarry Callahan
<Condition> Main body: Aged