Five girls 複写集団ゲリバラ5 その3

荒木 経惟ほか / Nobuyoshi Araki & Others



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/185*258*5
Nobuyoshi Araki, Yoshio Takase, Koji Yaehata, Fukuo Ikeda, Naohisa Tamogami, "Five girls Copy Group Geribara 5 3". This is the third volume of the first part of Geribara's "Toilet" by Yoshio Takase and the second "Young Lady in Swimsuit". In addition to the five people mentioned above, Satomi Nihongi appears as "Gueribara Guest" in this work. He is also famous as the author of "Punk Rock in London Documentary 1977-1979", a collection of works that portrayed the punk rock scene in London in the late 1970s. It is said that he was also doing. As the title suggests, this work contains portraits and nudes of women, and is also a work that is similar to Araki's "Oh Japan". After this, Koji Yaehata's "Amour" and Fukuo Ikeda's "Realism" were scheduled to be published, but they were postponed, and as a result, this work is the final issue.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki二本木 里美 / Satomi Nihongi
<Condition> Main body: cover, small scratches, small stains, small stains, small stains, small stains on the back, slight stains on the picture, minor stains on edges, minor edge damage