瑛九、下郷羊雄・レンズのアヴァンギャルド <コレクション・日本シュールレアリスム 14>




Format/ハードカバー   Pages/331   Size/165*228*25
This book is the 14th volume of "Collection Japan Surrealism", which was published in 2001 in a series of 15 volumes under the supervision of Hirofumi Wada, a researcher of modern Japanese literature. It is a collection of works that literally recorded the important activities of surrealism in Japan before the war, including Junsaburo Nishiwaki (Vol. 4), Shuzo Takiguchi (Vol. 5), Katsue Kitazono (Vol. 7), etc. However, this No. 14 focuses on "photographic works" by both painters and artists Eikyu (real name: Hideo Sugita) and Shimogo Yoo. Regarding Eikyu, in addition to copying a photo-drawing work collection "Reason for Sleep" produced in a limited edition of 40 copies, reviews and reviews published in photo magazines such as "Photo Times" and art magazines such as "Mizupu" Includes essays and more. For Shimogo, in addition to a copy of the surrealistic photo book Mesem, which is said to be one of the phantoms produced in limited editions of 200 copies, there are also photo magazines such as "Photo Times" and art magazines such as "Mizupu" Includes reviews and essays published in. Editing is curator, Nagoya City Museum of Art, Satoshi Yamada.
<Related Artists> 北園 克衛 / Katue Kitasono
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread Body: Heaven, earth, small edge burnt, return minimal seal mark