ワシントンハイツの子供たち / The Children Living in Washington Heights 1959 - 1962

山村 雅昭 / Gasho Yamamura



Format/ソフトカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/213*285*23
A collection of photos by the Japanese photographer Masaaki Yamamura (1939-1987), The Children Living in Washington Heights 1959-1962. He is a winner of the 1st Ina Nobuo Award (2nd Masahisa Fukase "Raven"), and is famous for his "botanical" work that was created in the 1970s and has won this award. Like Masatoshi Naito and Seiji Kurata, they use a strobe in the dark to shoot, but whereas they targeted "towns" and "people," Yamamura took strobes for "vegetation." was doing. The strange atmosphere is beautiful and sometimes strange, and the unique world of photography is fascinating. This book is a book composed of illustrations shot with children as a motif on the stage of "Washington Heights" announced by Yamamura during the Nihon University College of Art. "America in Japan" in the modern Hagi tree park area that existed from the end of the war to the early 60s. A number of unique portraits of children living in an unusual area that temporarily existed for U.S. soldiers, sometimes shot through a wire mesh. There is also a connection with the work of "Children" that was announced in Yasuhiro Ishimoto's virgin work "One Day There". Limited to 1000 copies.
<Related Artists> 山村 雅昭 / Gasho Yamamura
<Condition> Very good.